Is Your Life Policy For Sale?
Many of us arrive at the last 10 years of life only to discover a decline in quality of life due to health and or financial issues. When...

Life Insurance Lost & Found
Expanding family, marital status changes, job changes, business acquisitions, etc. Life insurance is often acquired during pivotal...

High tech or high touch?
Whether retirement accounts or ability to trade on your own the tech industry has done an excellent job of making products inexpensive...

Blockchain, explained. (Bitcoin insights.)
No Frills Just Facts. If you would like to wrap your head around blockchain/bitcoin and WE RECOMMEND YOU DO because it will impact our...

These Deferred Annuity Mistakes Can Be Taxing
Note this article's original audience is Certified Public Accountants. That's right many CPAs are not even well versed in the intricate...

4 Real Estate Crowdfunding Risks for Investors
A couple years back I decided to take my commercial real estate knowledge out for a spin and evaluate the concept of debt and equity...

EXPOSED: Generic Percentage "Rules"
This article asserts the failure of generic percentage rules in retirement planning. People trusted advisor's hype about the 4% and 10%...

What's a CCIM?
Real estate investment returns are powerful! Sometimes upward of 30% IRR. But, take notice, this segment of your portfolio lacks agility....

NEW LAW relating to your retirement accounts goes in affect in less than a week, get the facts.
Your financial professionals have never actually had to give you advice that was in your best interest. (Pause for dramatic effect.) On...

Our financial engine named ANNUITY INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR!
MARCH 6, PRESS RELEASE: Check out the power and stature of who we choose to place YOUR business with.: "Top Product Design Firm Awarded...